
Home / [ma:nyo] Manyo Factory ★ Sale 52% ★ (a) Pure Aqua Peeling Gel 120ml / Box 91 / (ho42) / (bo54/56) / 85/0699(8) / 12,000 won()

[ma:nyo] Manyo Factory ★ Sale 52% ★ (a) Pure Aqua Peeling Gel 120ml / Box 91 / (ho42) / (bo54/56) / 85/0699(8) / 12,000 won()

Product Code: MANYO FACTORY-1600022
Weight: 0.25 kg
Availability: 971

[ma:nyo] Manyo Factory ★ Sale 52% ★ (a) Pure Aqua Peeling Gel 120ml / Box 91 / (ho42) / (bo54/56) / 85/0699(8) / 12,000 won()

What it is

Peeling roll with PHA-acid for skin radiance Manyo Factory Pure Aqua Peel gently exfoliates dead cells, triggers regeneration processes and stimulates collagen production, improves skin firmness and elasticity, evens out tone and relief. The product perfectly tones and has an antioxidant effect, fights against oxidative processes inside cells, promotes skin renewal, removes unwanted pigmentation and post-acne scars, heals the skin and fills it with an even, natural and healthy glow.



Recomended for

All Skin Type

How to use

Use the peel after washing with foam or hydrophilic oil, massage for 1-2 minutes and rinse. Recommended to use 1-2 times a week.

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