
Home / [ma:nyo] Manyo Factory ★ Sale 47% ★ (bo) Blackhead Pure Cleansing Oil Kill Pad 50ea(200ml) / 6901(5) / 20,000 won()

[ma:nyo] Manyo Factory ★ Sale 47% ★ (bo) Blackhead Pure Cleansing Oil Kill Pad 50ea(200ml) / 6901(5) / 20,000 won()

Brand: ma:nyo
Product Code: manyo -1006437
Weight: 0.4 kg
Availability: 998

[ma:nyo] Manyo Factory ★ Sale 47% ★ (bo) Blackhead Pure Cleansing Oil Kill Pad 50ea(200ml) / 6901(5) / 20,000 won()

What it is

The Blackhead Pure Cleansing Oil Killpad easily removes makeup, sunscreen, blackheads, sebum, and pore with just one pad.


50ea (200ml)

Recomended for

All skin types

How to use

Take out a pad and gently roll the skin texture with embossed side, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. *If the content gets into your eyes, wash it immediately as it may sting.

Blackheads Killing Point : If you are concerned about dark blackheads, use the embossed side of the pad to roll intensively for about 10 seconds. Lightly wet the pad with water to wipe them off. Rinse with lukewarm water.

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