
Home / [KOELCIA] (sg) Gold Hibiscus Hair Tonic 100ml / 금화규 / EXP 2025.10 / 0499(13) / 3,000 won(R)

[KOELCIA] (sg) Gold Hibiscus Hair Tonic 100ml / 금화규 / EXP 2025.10 / 0499(13) / 3,000 won(R)

Product Code: KOELCIA-1513409
Weight: 0.153 kg
Availability: Out Of Stock

[KOELCIA] (sg) Gold Hibiscus Hair Tonic 100ml / 금화규 / EXP 2025.10 / 0499(13) / 3,000 won(R)

What it is

It nourishes the scalp and makes hair healthy.



Recomended for

All Skin Type

How to use

Shake the product thoroughly before use, then apply an appropriate amount to the scalp and rub it with your fingers as if massaging it so that it is fully absorbed.

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