
Home / [DONGUISAM] (a) Red Ginseng Royal Jelly Stick (10g*30ea) 1 Box / 72101(2) / 14,000 won(R)

[DONGUISAM] (a) Red Ginseng Royal Jelly Stick (10g*30ea) 1 Box / 72101(2) / 14,000 won(R)

Brand: ETC
Product Code: DMR-1510631
Weight: 1 kg
Availability: 999

[DONGUISAM] (a) Red Ginseng Royal Jelly Stick (10g*30ea) 1 Box / 72101(2) / 14,000 won(R)

What it is

Keep our family healthy with Dongui Sam, a red ginseng brand that puts the health of the people first!
Only domestic red ginseng, which has been fully ripe for 6 years of ginseng, was selected and manufactured with a 7:3 ratio of red ginseng root and red ginseng.
Sticks have been carefully packed, including raw royal jelly, which can only be collected in small amounts from honeycomb containing premium raw royal jelly extract.
Dongui Sam Red Ginseng Royal Jelly Stick has added 15 carefully selected sub-materials in the traditional way!
It is manufactured in a stick type that is easy to carry, hygienic, and easy to consume in individual packaging.


(10g*30ea) 1 Box

Recomended for

modern people tired of their busy lives
Anyone who's thinking about their parents' health gifts
If you want to take care of your health
Who cares about our family's health
If you're looking for a product that's easy to consume
Who wants to say thank you to your precious person

How to use

Take one bag (10ml) once a day and once a day.
For idiosyncratic and allergens, check the ingredients before taking them.

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